Apocalich wallpaper
Apocalich cover


About Apocalich

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Apocalich is an RPG where you race against time to defeat the Lich King, alone or couch co-op with friends! Can you figure out how to save the land from despair? The Lich King takes about 20 days to spread evil and activate magic towers that make him stronger and stronger. On the 20th day (after ~1.5 hours gameplay) the Lich is all powered up and prompts the final fight, win this fight and you win game! However, if you lose the final fight, you'll have to start all over. The entire map is visible at all times! You can see what the Lich is up to while you are going on quests and rebuilding the world. Sometimes events will happen on the other side of the map, will you be in time to intervene? Maybe you'll need to fix the bridge and help the boat service get back on track to be somewhere in time. Remember to talk to all the NPCs! Whenever you cross paths with an enemy a battle window pops ups. During battles use action commands to block incoming attacks and deal critical hits. Some skill even require multiple action commands to perform well! If you or someone else walks behind a battle window, they will join the fight! Watch out for sudden backup, or help out a friend in need!


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