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Chimera Online cover

Chimera Online

About Chimera Online

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Chimera Online is an MMORPG with a high focus on the ever lasting war between the 2 Nations "Rain" and "Millena". Rain is living in the mountains and uses magical power for combat, while Millena is living in the forests and uses a mainly physical combat style by using Swords and Bows. The game is designed for an easy entrance, after just a few hours of Gameplay you can already participate in fights with your nation against the other nation. While there are many dungeons and raids that can be done with the help of other player in your nation, you can also progress alone and enjoy 1v1 combat or solo farming. If you are unsure which nation or class to pick, you also test out any class you want to at any point in time. All you have to do is login a free test account. These Test-Accounts have limited access ingame and are designed for pvp tests and special war events. The battle system is designed so that fights last for a moderate time. Infinite chain of control effects, aswell as 1hit KOs are banished from Chimera Online. The game is 100% free to play. Everything you want to access ingame you can access without the need of any payment. The Cash Shop mainly offers Special Skins and quality of life items that have no direct impact in the gameplay.


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