Set in a mystical world where mortal and fairy realms collide, the game tells the story of a mortal woman named Faye who is the only being able to awaken from a powerful fairy's dream spell. She embarks on an adventure through a dream world to find her fairy husband and save her hometown. To solve the mystery, players must complete puzzles and search for clues leading to the whereabouts of Faye's husband.
Imagine waking to find your husband missing and your daughter and the entire town under a sleeping spell. Your surroundings seem strangely surreal and otherworldly and there are puzzles and clues scattered throughout town like breadcrumbs. Find all the clues and you'll discover what happened to your family and friends, and you'll learn about your husband's mysterious past. But, if you are unsuccessful, this strange new world may remain as it is. Then again, what if it is all just a dream?