El cuerpo humano con Pipo
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Games like El cuerpo humano con Pipo
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The Human Body with Pipo is a program with which, in a simple, fun and practical way, children will investigate the inside of the human body, fun and practical way, children will investigate the inside of the human body. It is aimed at children from 5 to 12 years of age; however, in its easier levels, some of the games are very stimulating from the age of 4, especially the Puzzles or the Pairs. This product can be adapted depending on the age, needs and abilities of each subject. The product is structured in 14 themes that are dealt with in the presentation (robot screen) and 9 different activities where to experiment and to be able to understand the functioning of the human body: what is hidden under the skin, what are the bones for? What happens to food after it passes through the mouth? etc. The duration of each game varies depending on the child's learning pace and motivation of the child. In addition, some games have several levels of difficulty. There is no time pressure and at any time the game can be interrupted and the child can leave the game. They are very stimulating games, which quickly capture the child's interest. Although some of the learning that is presented is of a later evolutionary stage, he can always manipulate them in some way.
If you enjoyed El cuerpo humano con Pipo, you'll love these similar games!
Frequently asked questions
With GameGator, you are able to compare 0 deals across verified and trusted stores to find the cheapest El cuerpo humano con Pipo key for a fair price. All stores currently listed have to undergo very specific testing to ensure that customer support, game deliveries, and the game keys themselves are of the highest quality. To sweeten the deal, we offer you specific discount codes, which you will not be able to find anywhere else. This allows us to beat all competitor prices and provide you with the cheapest, most trustworthy deals.
Yes, all deals featured on GameGator will always allow you to get El cuerpo humano con Pipo right away once the payment has been approved. This will be in form of either a Steam, GoG, Epic Games,... key or a direct download link for DMCR free games. If you require assistance during your purchase, please contact our support team via email or our social media channels. We will be happy to assist you and take care of any worries.
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