Hello Neighbor wallpaper
Hello Neighbor cover

Hello Neighbor

About Hello Neighbor

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Hello Neighbor is a stealth horror game about sneaking into Mr.Petersons house to figure out what horrible secrets he's hiding in the basement. You play against an advanced AI that learns from your every move. Really enjoying climbing through that backyard window? Expect a bear trap there. Sneaking through the front door? There'll be cameras there soon. Trying to escape? The Neighbor will find a shortcut and catch you. In Hello Neighbor, the player finds themselves moving into a new house across the street of a mysterious neighbor, who seems to be keeping a secret in his basement. The player's task is to break into the neighbor's home and gather items needed to unlock and access his basement. As the player explores the neighbor's house, he must not be spotted by the neighbor, or he will be chased down and, if the player is not quick enough to escape, caught. If the player is caught, he will be sent back to his own house and will have to break in again.


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Frequently asked questions

Where can I buy a Hello Neighbor key?

Can I play Hello Neighbor immediately after the purchase?

What store should I choose for the best Hello Neighbor deal?