Nusantara: Bermuda Triangle
About Nusantara: Bermuda Triangle
A fantasy adventure, mystery, drama & romance otome visual novel (GxB) with strong Indonesian flavour. (Not a sequel!) In 20XX, an enormous earthquake shook the world and caused a triangular crater to suddenly appear in the middle of Bermuda Triangle. The world was aghast with this discovery and it became even more concerning when scout teams came across a mysterious force, preventing people from getting too close. Those who went to examine it said that the force was like an invisible wall and there was no way around it, therefore, making further investigation difficult. Spiritual events and sightings have also dramatically increased since then. It got to the point where people began to hold festivals to honor the dead and the mythical creatures. It wasn't long until it became a new worldwide sensation and there was not a single day where spiritual events weren't on the news Our heroine, Maya (19), was busy earning her living so this kind of event was of little importance aside from adding an exciting spice into her life. But then her world crumbled when a Goddess came and announced that her family would die in a car accident in the near future. The Goddess offered Maya a deal: She would alter her family’s fate in exchange for closing the Bermuda Crater. In order to do so, Maya would have to go to a place called The Forgotten Isles, find what caused it, and look for a solution. If she agreed, three men would accompany her, acting as bodyguards. Apparently, they each have their own circumstances and a wish to be granted.
- Genres
- Releases
- Aug 03, 2024
- Aug 03, 2024
- Aug 03, 2024
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