WAR OPERATION: Full Contact is a third-person shooter game, its first early access version features multiplayer network mode and sends you straight back to April 2003, in the heart of Iraq, in the midst of a frighteningly intense confrontation. The Iraqi army against the U.S. Marines, choose your side, your class, your weapons and run through the streets of Baghdad, near Firdos Square, frozen in the days of Saddam Hussein's regime. A unique and exceptional experience never seen before.
Since the 1980s, Western countries have wanted to demonstrate their power by showing their military capacity in wars whose justifications are still questionable.
Conspiracies causing irreversible consequences for innocent populations, the tragic event of September 11, the most significant of the 21st century, are one of the proofs of the challenges against Western powers.
How does a group of Afghan peasants manage to arm themselves with a Western power, defeat the Soviets and then turn against this same power? What were the stages of the long march of the Iraqi president towards the conquest of absolute power, establishing a powerful military influence in the region, and of his downfall through the Iraq war? How did the illusion of the Islamic State settle in the fault lines caused by Western powers in Iraq? How has the Middle East become a battleground for countries around the world, a hotbed of international terrorism, all to the detriment of local populations?