February 2, 2025
15+ Helldivers 2 Settings You Need to Change Right Now
Optimizing these 15+ Helldivers 2 settings will enhance visibility, combat awareness, and gameplay performance, giving you a tactical edge on the battlefield.

Tweaking the right settings in Helldivers 2 can significantly improve your gameplay, visibility, and tactical awareness. Whether you're looking for better performance or enhanced control, these critical settings will optimize your experience.
1. Set Your Compass Width & Angle to Wide
Expanding the compass width and angle allows you to see up to two POIs (Points of Interest) instead of just one, making navigation and objective tracking much easier. This is particularly useful when moving across large maps or scanning the battlefield for key locations.
Bonus Tip:
- Enable Compass Disordinal Directions to display Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, and Southwest for better communication. This makes it easier to relay locations to teammates accurately, reducing confusion in the heat of battle.
2. Boost Your Field of View (FOV)
Expanding your FOV to 90 gives you better peripheral vision, spotting threats faster in chaotic battles. A wider FOV helps you see enemies that would otherwise be just outside your screen, giving you a crucial edge in fast-paced combat.
Why It Matters:
- A higher FOV reduces tunnel vision, making it easier to track multiple enemies.
- It also helps with situational awareness, allowing you to react faster to flanking maneuvers.
3. Disable Motion Blur & Depth of Field
- Motion Blur Off – Improves visibility and makes enemy tracking easier. Motion blur can obscure fast-moving targets, making aiming more difficult.
- Depth of Field Off – Sharper image and better performance. Keeping this off ensures that distant objects and enemies remain clear, rather than blurred out for a cinematic effect.
If you prefer a cinematic look, keep motion blur at 25% or lower, but competitive players should turn it off completely.
4. Adjust Camera Shake to Weak or Off
Reducing camera shake stabilizes your view during explosions and combat, improving aiming precision and situational awareness. Intense camera shake can make it harder to focus on your targets, so disabling it ensures you stay locked in on the action.
5. Change Weapon View Mode to Per Weapon
For the best experience:
- First-person for precision weapons (e.g., Anti-Material Rifle) allows for better accuracy and precision shooting.
- Third-person for general combat provides a broader view of your surroundings, making it easier to track enemies and maintain situational awareness.
6. Disable VSync & Cap Your Frame Rate
Disabling VSync reduces input lag, which is crucial for fast response times in combat. Instead, cap your frame rate to match your monitor’s refresh rate for smoother gameplay and to prevent unnecessary screen tearing.
Steps to Optimize:
- Find your monitor’s refresh rate (typically 60Hz, 120Hz, or 144Hz).
- Set your frame rate cap to match this value for optimal performance.
7. Tweak Anti-Aliasing & Sharpness
For a crisp picture:
- Disable Anti-Aliasing & Lower Sharpness for best performance if you’re prioritizing FPS.
- Enable Anti-Aliasing & Max Sharpness for a cleaner image with less jagged edges on objects and characters.
Experiment with these settings to find the right balance between clarity and performance for your system.
8. Set Reticle Visibility to Visible & Change Reticle Color
- Always Visible ensures your crosshair never disappears, even in chaotic fights.
- Green Reticle enhances targeting accuracy. Studies suggest that green crosshairs are easier for the human eye to track, which is why they’re a popular choice in Esports like Counter-Strike.
If green isn’t your preference, try cyan or magenta for high contrast against most in-game environments.
9. Turn Off Subtitles
Removing subtitles reduces visual clutter and enhances immersion, keeping your focus on the battlefield rather than reading unnecessary dialogue.
10. Enable Remember Weapon Functions
This setting saves weapon preferences, so you don’t have to reset them every time you equip a new weapon. This is particularly helpful for weapons with alternate fire modes, ensuring you don’t accidentally reset an important setting mid-battle.
11. Rebind Grenades to Quick Throwable
Rebinding to Quick Throwable lets you throw grenades instantly, potentially saving lives in high-stakes situations. Instead of cycling through your inventory, you can quickly react to threats and eliminate enemy clusters.
12. Disable Auto-Climb While Sprinting
Prevent frustrating auto-climbs on objects like resupply drops, ensuring you grab essential items like stims instead of accidentally vaulting. This simple tweak can mean the difference between life and death in fast-paced fights.
13. Adjust HUD Size
- Smaller HUD for more immersion, reducing on-screen clutter for a cinematic experience.
- Larger HUD for better visibility, helping players who struggle with small text or icons.
Adjust this setting based on your personal preference and screen size.
Final Thoughts
Changing these 15+ settings will immediately enhance your combat awareness, movement precision, and overall gameplay in Helldivers 2. Each tweak serves a specific purpose, from improving visibility and aim precision to eliminating unnecessary distractions. Test out these settings and see which ones work best for you!