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The absurdity of boss fights in Borderlands 3

The absurdity of boss fights in Borderlands 3

The absurdity of boss fights in Borderlands 3 Thumbnail

The fascination of Borderlands not only shows with the sheer endless amount of weapons but also with the big and wacky bosses who want to end your life. To make sure that you will have targets that don't bite the dust after every shot but offer you and your friends a real challenge, Gearbox has created a whole separate department, only responsible for developing these fights.

In the new and upcoming part of the Borderlands series, everything is meant to be bigger and better. According to Gearbox, the number of bosses will not only be significantly higher than in any other Borderlands game but even reach an absurd number. Responsible for the department at Gearbox is Matt Cox, who's only job it is to overlook every big boss fight in the game and make sure it is of the highest standards - as the diversity of bosses is also expected to increase significantly.

Borderlands 3 boss fight
Everything is meant to be bigger & better.

Compared to its predecessors, Borderlands 3 will not only offer playful innovations but will also be considerably larger. Remember, with the addition of the Sanctuary 3 spaceship, we will finally also be able to visit other planets than Pandora, hopefully bringing a lot of variety into the game. The main campaign of the game will be offering a total of 30 hours of entertainment, with the typical side missions as well as the usual in-game activities, in addition.

The Loot Shooter, which will be available exclusively on the PC via Epic Games Store on September 13, 2019, will offer a total of one billion different weapons, some of which can even run, and will also feature a host of boss battles. You can find Borderlands 3 cheap in our price comparison.

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