Dogos wallpaper
Dogos cover


About Dogos

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Dogos incorporates current technology into retro shmup gameplay: 3D graphics, dynamic camera, and the ability to move through scenarios as if it were an open world. Dogos invites you to live a real action-packed experience that will challenge your skills and senses. Loads of shots and explosions, and an incredible, catchy soundtrack. If you like fast-paced, thrilling videogames, then Dogos is just for you. Earth has been invaded by a perverse race of bio-mechanical beings from outer-space known as Zeetnuks. A group of humans organize themselves to resist the invasion, but soon discover they don’t stand any chance against the enemy’s technological superiority. The Resistance decides to embark on an ambitious project: combining human and alien engineering, they set out to create a fleet of ships to fight the invaders. The Zeetnuks uncover the Resistance’s plans and they launch a surprise attack against the base where the humans are developing the prototypes. During the attack, Desmond Phoenix, a skilled pilot, manages to escape on a KZ 72—one of the models being developed, which everyone will come to know as DOGOS. DOGOS tells the story of that pilot, and how his actions changed the future of the human race.


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