Dros wallpaper
Dros cover


About Dros

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Discover the world of Dros, a beautifully detailed story-driven adventure about a slimy little creature and her human bounty hunter shell. Little Dros and Captain both have different strengths and weaknesses and you’ll switch between them to solve puzzles, fight off enemies and sneak through a vast steampunk Tower. The world of Dros features a fantasy story with a huge cast of odd and interesting characters to interact with. Unravel the mysteries within the Tower as you explore, unlock journal entries and collect strange alchemical treasures. A mysterious Tower is being constructed deep within the forest. Villagers have started to disappear... Never to return. Dros is a single player adventure set in a strange world of misused Alchemy. A slimy little creature and a wayward bounty hunter will form a reluctant partnership of survival. Together, they must journey upwards through a crumbling Tower ruled by a conniving Alchemist. There’s many odd characters to meet along the way, mysterious treasures to collect and lore to unlock.


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