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Last Remains cover

Last Remains

About Last Remains

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Last Remains is a 50-player zombie battle royale game where survivors compete in a PvPvE world and take risks on their journey to the extraction point by searching buildings to find food, water, and digital collectible skins such as equipment and weapons. Last Remains players battle it out in a deadly game of stealth and survival. You become conscious in a world with a strange broadcast announcement that the city has a zombie infestation. 50 remaining humans are left to find food, water, and weapons to survive 3 days until the rescue helicopter can arrive. The zombies are unpredictable and strong. This game requires stealth and strategy while balancing risk to explore and loot mintable skins you can keep if you claim one of the three seats the rescue team has to offer. The remaining humans are only thinking of themselves. So you do what you must: Trust no one. Act fast. Remain unseen. Can you outsmart and outlast the competition?


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