November 28, 2024

How to get the top PvE weapons in Destiny 2

A guide to obtaining the top PvE weapons in Destiny 2, including The Forward Path, Ace of Spades, Trinity Ghoul, Riskrunner, Thunderlord, and Anarchy.

How to get the top PvE weapons in Destiny 2 cover

One of Destiny 2’s biggest strengths is the incredible number of weapons there are to choose from. From powerful Hand Cannons to devastating Grenade Launchers, there’s no shortage of guns for players to use.

The problem though is that most players have a hard time knowing what guns are the best to use. It would take way too long for everyone to test out every weapon, and every player’s opinions will be subjective, but this post is a guide to getting the most popular PvE weapons in the game.

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Best Kinetic Weapons

The Forward Path [Auto Rifle]

This Kinetic weapon is a Legendary Auto Rifle that’s incredibly popular for both PvP and PvE. The only thing players seem to hate about this gun is the massive muzzle flash it emits while firing, but it’s a small price to pay for such a powerful gun.

How to get The Forward Path

This auto rifle can only be obtained through the Iron Banner event. To get The Forward Path, you need to head to Lord Saladin in the Tower during the Iron Banner and get the quest from him.

The quest involves getting 25 auto rifle kills and 25 sidearm kills, and completing it will reward you with The Forward Path along with a sidearm called The Fool’s Remedy.

Ace of Spades [Hand Cannon]

The Ace of Spades is Cayde-6’s revolver introduced in the Forsaken DLC. This iconic weapon is a fan favorite, both for its power and its aesthetics.

How to get the Ace of Spades

Here are all the necessary steps to get this weapon:

  • Finish the Forsaken Campaign
  • Initiate the quest called Cayde’s Will
  • Find Cayde-6’s caches
  • Repair the Ace of Spades

Once you’ve completed the entire campaign, Banshee will give you the Cayde’s Will quest. Then you need to find enough of Cayde-6’s caches to repair the weapon. When you have enough of the parts, go to Titan and complete the Ace in the Hole quest, which rewards you with the Ace of Spades.

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Best Energy Weapons

Trinity Ghoul [Bow]

The Trinity Ghoul is an exotic bow that chains lightning to kill tons of nearby enemies. It’ll easily wreck hordes of enemies and is a valuable tool to have in any player’s arsenal.

How to get the Trinity Ghoul

This bow isn’t hard to get. In fact, it’ll drop by doing open-world events, or even by playing PvP events like Gambit or Crucible. Basically, just keep playing the game and the bow is bound to drop eventually.

Riskrunner [Submachine Gun]

The Riskrunner is an exotic SMG that players describe as “godlike.” When you get damaged, it supercharges this weapon and you can chain enemies with electricity.

How to get the Riskrunner

To get this SMG, you need to finish the Pain and Gain quest from Banshee.

The first thing you need to do is complete a Lost Sector on Earth and then complete any Heroic Public Event. Then, you need to complete the Risk/Reward mission in the Cosmodrome. After completing the mission, head back to Banshee and collect the Riskrunner.

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Best Power Weapons

Thunderlord [Machine Gun]

The Thunderlord is an exotic machine gun introduced in the first Destiny game. It originally was unlocked through a series of quests, but its method of unlock was changed after season 4.

How to get the Thunderlord

Since its method of unlock has been changed, the only way to obtain the Thunderlord is by getting it as a random exotic drop. You can increase your chance of getting an exotic engram by using a Three of Coins, which you can buy from Xur, Agent of the Nine.

Anarchy [Grenade Launcher]

The Anarchy is an exotic grenade launcher that causes grenades to stick to surfaces and chain arc bolts. It does an insane amount of damage, and is able to do damage to enemies over time.

How to get the Anarchy

To obtain the Anarchy weapon, you need to grind the Scourge of the Past raid. Initially, Anarchy has a 10% drop rate, but the drop rate will increase to 50% if you finish the raid 20 times.

Wrapping up

Even though the weapons listed here are some of the best in the game, there are tons of other weapons considered to be the top as well. It also comes down to personal preference, which means the best weapons will be different for every player.

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