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Star Wars Battlefront 2: Elite Corps incoming!

Star Wars Battlefront 2: Elite Corps incoming!

Star Wars Battlefront 2: Elite Corps incoming! Thumbnail

EA and DICE have announced the next content drop for Star Wars: Battlefront 2, with which two new divisions of clone soldiers are entering the battle. As of August 29, the 41st Elite Corps and the 327th Star Corps will become available, along with new troop outfits and the hangar on Naboo. Players will also be able to select from the list of available maps for Battle and Custom Arcade, while the popular game mode Ewok Hunt can then be played permanently in operations.

The two new clone soldier divisions available in the Elite Corps update.

Elite Corps

The 41st Elite Corps was a division of the Republic army and helped Yoda and the Wookies at the Battle of Kashyyyk. The 327th Corps of Stars is known for its striking yellow deposition on the armour and was involved in the Battle of Geonosis and was led by Aayla Secura.

With the update, players will furthermore be able to prioritize the prequel maps in the matchmaking menu, while prices for the characters have also already been announced.

Vista of the DQar space battle in Battlefront 2.

Character Cost

The new Clone Trooper Appearances are offered at a price of 20,000 credits or 500 crystals each and are available in the Assault, Heavy and Specialist classes for the Galactic Republic. If you want to pick up all three appliances for each corps, you can benefit from a package that costs you 40,000 credits.

Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, General Grievous and Count Dooku each require 35,000 credits. This value was calculated by the developers based on how fast players get the currency and nobody should need too long to unlock the new heroes and villains.

Han Solo's Blaster.

Ewok Hunt

The temporary game mode Ewok Hunt will become an integral part of Battlefront 2 with the upcoming update and the palace hangar on Naboo will no longer only be playable in Heroes vs Rogues or Hero Showdown, but also in Battle Mode and Custom Arcade.

The statistics screen at the end of each battle will also receive a refresh, where players will now be able to see their score, kills, assists, deaths and the longest kill series. Finally, the possibility of buying emotes and winning poses with crystals and credits has been confirmed. All emotes and winning poses are displayed in the Collection tab of the main menu when you select specific heroes or troops. These are purely cosmetic items that have no influence on the gameplay.

View over Theed, the capital of planet Naboo.

Otherwise, EA is performing the usual bug fixes and optimizations that are required for updates. A major roadmap update is scheduled for next week, where the Seasons for autumn and winter will be thematized with their contents.

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