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How to find all the Lost Forges in Destiny 2

How to find all the Lost Forges in Destiny 2

How to find all the Lost Forges in Destiny 2 Thumbnail

Destiny 2’s Black Armory DLC introduced a ton of new content such as weapons, armor, activities, and Exotic Quest Lines. The most noteworthy additions in Black Armory are the Lost Forges activities, which are 3 player Horde missions similar to Escalation Protocol activities.

Players often have 2 questions about these Forges: what are Forges, and how do you find them? This guide will answer both of those questions, and give you some other info along the way.

What are Lost Forges?

Forges are 3 player events that are required to craft the Black Armory Exotic weapons. Once a player has located and completed a Forge, they’re able to access it from orbit. The events consist of 3 waves of enemies, with there being a boss on the final wave.

The Forges are also on a daily rotation, with only one Forge being available per day. Check out this frequently updated rotation schedule if you need to know which forges will be available.

How to unlock Forges

Before you use a Forge, you need to speak to Ada-1, who’s located at the Black Armory in the Tower. But, before you can talk to Ada-1, you need to head to Tangled Shore and talk to the Spider. The Spider will give you the Black Armory Badge, a keycard that’ll give you access to the Black Amory.

Getting the badge will reveal a new location on the map of the Tower, and heading there will let you talk to Ada-1. Watch the Black Armory cutscene and then buy your first weapon frame from Ada-1. This weapon frame is the entire basis for Forges to exist.

Once you complete the quests associated with the weapon frame, complete the Forge and you’ll unlock the Black Armory Exotic weapon. This process is the same for every Forge, though different weapons will require different Forges.

Each individual Forge needs to be unlocked, as well as located, so here is how you get to each of the 4 Forges.

Destiny 2 Wallpaper

Image: Bungie

Volundur Forge Location

Volundur Forge is the first Forge available to players. Going through the above step of unlocking Forges will give you access to this one, so you can get to it as soon as you have a Black Armory weapon frame.

It’s located in the EDZ and the best way to get there is from the Sunken Isles. Follow the tunnel all the way to the end and eventually you’ll reach the Forge.

Gofannon Forge Location

To get to Gofannon Forge, there are several questlines you need to go through first. You need to acquire a piece of Black Armory gear, which you can get by killing random enemies. This must be done after Volundur Forge is already completed.

You’ll complete several questlines from Ada-1 and the Spider until you discover the next Forge during the quests. After speaking with Ada and getting the weapon frame, you’ll be able to head to Gofannon Forge and start fulfilling the requirements for the new frame.

Destiny 2 Wallpaper

Image: Bungie

Izanami Forge Location

The Izanami Forge missions are perhaps the grindiest steps yet in the Black Armory expansion. You start the quest by simply killing Vex on Nessus, until a Vex Transponder drops. This required you to kill 100 more Vex to trace the signal, and the quest keeps going from there.

During the course of this massive quest you’ll locate Izanami Forge and get another quest to activate it. Simply follow these quests and you’ll finally be able to play the Forge event.

Bergusia Forge Location

After the insanely tedious quest for Izanami Forge, it’s a major relief that Bergusia is the easiest Forge to unlock. Once you’ve completed Izanami Forge, speak to Ada-1 and head to Niobe Labs on the EDZ.

Once you get to the end of Niobe Labs, a door will open and reveal the Bergusia Forge. No other quests are needed, and you can jump straight into the Forge event.

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